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Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Blueberry Picking

I always look forward to August and blueberry picking season.  I'll admit that before I met Eric I used to strongly dislike blueberries.  I always thought they tasted like nothing and couldn't understand how Eric could devour an entire container of blueberries in about 5 minutes flat.  I've definitely had a change of heart since then and blueberries have become one of my favorite fruits...especially freshly picked blueberries!  The kids and I headed out for our annual blueberry picking outing.  I promised the kids ice cream too so of course this was priority on the agenda so ice cream came first and then blueberries.  We also stopped to snap a few pictures in the beautiful sunflower field.  The boys had no interest in participating in my photo shoot but Sara happily obliged.


 This face!!  I just want to eat it!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Summer Time

Good friends, beautiful weather, beach, boating and relaxing.  Can't ask for much more than that!!  We had a great weekend with friends at the Cape.  The kids played, the adults relaxed, we ate, drank and laughed.  Such a fun time...this is what summer is all about.
 Everyone took a turn jumping off the pier at high tide.  The kids had a blast and jumped over and over again.  I took my one jump and that was it for me.  But at least I can say I did it once.  Here is Will's big jump.
And Jack!
And now me!!
These two either love each other or fight like brother and sister.  But they are so stinkin' cute together. 

Friday, July 10, 2015


From Eastham we headed to Falmouth for the rest of the week.  We enjoyed some more beach, bikes and friends while we were there. 
We took our first family bike ride with all 5 of us!  We finally have made it to a point where both boys can ride the bike path and Sara rode on the back of Eric's bike.  We didn't make it too far but it was nice being able to get out and riding all 5 of us.
Jack started to lose it at mile 2 so we had to turn around and send him home with Grandma and Judu.  We continued on for a little longer.
 Family friends took us out on their boat which the kids love doing. 

 Bathing beauty
This girl kills me.  I told her to strike a pose and this is what I got.
 Enjoying a trip to thee fairy houses.  This was our favorite house.
 Testing out a Selfie Stick in one of the stores.  I think I need one.
We met our friends at the beach.  Lots of boys = lots of goofiness.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

4th of July Weekend

Happy 4th of July!  Summer is finally here!!  No more pencils, no more books, no more teachers dirty looks!!  It's just fun in the sun time...toes in the sand...relaxing and enjoying the next two months to the fullest we can.  We headed to the Cape to kick off vacation and enjoy two weeks of family beach time.  First up was Eastham to celebrate the 4th with Eric's family.  Here are a few pictures from the beach!
On our way to the parade! 


My kids adore their cousin James. I think I they could take him home with them, they would.

 A lot of beach baseball, pickle and catch were played at the beach. 

I dragged the kids to the beach one nigh to snap a few pictures.  None of them were interested in taking pictures.  Will humored me...Jack was being Jack and Sara wouldn't stop moving around for me to take a picture.

 The kids enjoyed LOTS of ice cream courtesy of Nicki's ice cream truck (and Nana and Papi's wallets).  They even got VIP access to the ice cream truck.
 Sara and I enjoyed a relaxing paddleboard despite her refusing to go on it at first.