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Thursday, January 22, 2015

Sara Monster

Sara has been IMPOSSIBLE to put to bed at night.  It's been going on for about 3 weeks now.  I thought it was a phase but it is turning into a really looooong phase.  She just will not go to sleep at night and we have found ourselves on the couch watching tv at 10pm with a 2 year old sitting next to us.  We had a brief couple of days where she went down early but that didn't last very long.  Last night she went down early and at 10:30pm we heard a noise on the stairs and who do we find sitting there but Miss Sara.  This was the look I got when I told her she had to go back to bed.  Yep...we are going to be in trouble when she gets older.
I also tried the no nap during the day to see what would happen.  It worked one day but after that it backfired because she fell asleep on the couch at 4pm and then wouldn't go to bed a night.  We have started calling her Sara Monster because she is being so impossible.  However, now if we call her anything else she says "No, I Sara Monster".  Fingers crossed that we get back to normal sleeping sometime soon!

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